Epworth HomeSweetHome is a therapeutic group home for boys.
We would like to request a simple, energy-saving 2-door refrigerator for storing perishable food items.
The fridg...
Client (M/38) is unemployed as he is the main caregiver of his daughter (5), who had been diagnosed with Autism, son (3) and his wife (38) who has been diagnosed with depression an...
Client (M/38) is unemployed as he is the main caregiver of his daughter (5), who had been diagnosed with Autism, son (3), son (2 month old) with Down Syndrome and his wife (38) who...
Client has autoimmune disease and does not have many years left with her children. She has not been able to work due to her poor health. Her husband is a sole breadwinner of the fa...
Epworth HomeSweetHome is a therapeutic group home for boys.
We would like to request a soundbar to go with our children's TV as some of them do not hear very well and the home's...
Epworth HomeSweetHome is a therapeutic group home for boys.
Our children's TV table has caved in over time. For safety reasons, we are looking to replace it with one that DOES N...
Single mother with 2 children receiving government assistance wants to have storage rack. The mother is taking care of the younger child and the elder child is working part-time de...
Mother is a PR and father is a sole breadwinner of the house with limited income. They have three kids and all of them are known to CPS for child abuse.
Currently, they are worki...